Saturday, October 15, 2011

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Since I have a lot of free time on my hands lately (long story), I've been trying to come up with some new hobbies/things to do. I decided to try these peanut butter cups that I found on a recipe site last week. They're delicious! I think next time instead of using a full size muffin cup, I will use the miniature ones. We ended up freezing the left overs so we didn't eat them all at once and they've made for wonderful morning snacks. :)

Get the recipe here!


The Cedar Point Straw Maze said...
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JustonandNicole said...

They look delicious! Will you please to teach me sometime :)

Shayna and Rob said...

what the..i didnt even know this cute blog existed! love it! :)

Alexis Tanner Lane said...

Those look delicious! I'll definitely need to try them! And why do you have a bunch of time on your hands? I think you should email me. :-)