Monday, May 2, 2011

Catch up

Well it's been a crazy month and a half and a lot has happened since my last post. Curtis came in town for his break in between semesters for 10 days at the end of March. I still had to work during that time, but we still were able to spend a few hours together everyday. We also got our engagement pictures done and watched a few BYU basketball games. It was SO nice to get to spend more than a weekend with him. During the time he was here, I had a new niece born too. Chris and Kristine had their third child. Ashley is so sweet and the other nieces and nephews LOVE Curtis too, so it's always fun to get to spend time with them while he's visiting.

Curtis playing a song on the guitar for me...
he was just playing but I assumed it was just for me
Ashley Hess... so precious!

A few weeks later... my dad, mom, and Andrea came into town. They had spring break, so they came to visit the grandkids and the new babies. Here's a picture of Andrea with Jayden and Austin.

They also blessed Ashley on April 17th. Here are some pictures with my mom and dad and grandkids.

The day after my dad and Andrea left, I flew to Ohio for my spring break! I knew that Curtis had a ton to do that week while I was there, so I was prepped for a relaxing week. It went by too fast and I was totally not ready to come back to reality. I was a HUGE slacker on taking pictures this trip though. I got out there late Tuesday night. On Wednesday, Curtis had class and lab all day, so I spent a few hours in the library working on stuff and then spent a few hours at the Dental Clinic getting some X rays on my teeth. Wednesday night, we made chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes and Curtis studied. Then Thursday morning, I slept in, while Curtis studied some more. (Get the picture yet? Curtis gets to study a lot! He studied probably more in 3 days than I did the whole time I was at BYU!) Thursday evening we went and registered at Target. We had been talking about doing this for a month or so now and we needed to get it done. Then Friday, Curtis had class and lab all day again, but this time I stayed at his place while he was gone. I worked on some school applications, read some of my book, relaxed, and made cookies!!!! I had been dying to make these sugar cookies. My sister in law, Kristine, gave me this really AMAZING recipe. I had an urge to be creative so I knew I wanted to make Easter egg shaped cookies and decorate them. Well... I couldn't find an egg shaped cookie cutter anywhere! I honestly made Curtis take me to 3 or 4 stores to find one! He thought I was being absolutely crazy I think, but I really had my heart set on making eggs, so he was very supportive and sweet. Finally we found a plastic egg that seemed like it would work, so I decided that I could use that. If anybody finds any egg shaped cookie cutters let me know. I may need one next year. haha Below is the result of my cookies. These were probably the best tasting sugar cookies I've ever made. That's not saying a lot though... I need some practice. Usually my cookies turn out hard and tasteless... The trick I learned from Kristine's mom, is to NOT let them cook more than 8 minutes even if they don't look done! Who knew! Not me... haha

Friday night we went to go see African Cats with Curtis's roommate Jimmy and his friend Jason. It was Disney's Earth Day movie. The plot wasn't my favorite, but the details of the animals and the scenery was beautiful! It was really neat. It totally made me add African on my list of places we need to visit. After that we went to Coldstone and got ice cream! Yum!
Curtis studying again. 
Saturday morning Curtis and I went to the Columbus temple and did baptisms! So beautiful! I love the temple! Then after that we went back to his place and he studied... This is not a joke. Dental students really study that much! We did go to a dinner with his ward that night though and that was fun. After dinner... Curtis studied some more! I had a really, really good book I was sucked into, so I didn't mind too much. At least I got to sit next to him while he studied. :) Sunday, we went to church and had Easter dinner with friends, and then we watched Tangled! I had already seen it 3 times with my niece and nephew, but Curtis hadn't seen it yet! We finished it just in time to take me to the airport. This was probably my least favorite time of saying goodbye. Only one more airport goodbye and then Curtis flies out here to help me drive to Ohio!!!! Wohoo!!!!! Soooo excited to be with my best friend more!

1 comment:

Alexis Tanner Lane said...

Those are probably the best decorated Easter egg cookies I've ever seen! They're awesome! So glad you got to spend more time with Curtis and that I got to meet him! Bummer he has to study so much. I'm thinking that Physical Therapy school is going to be like that for Alan...